新闻及活动 > LaSalle被养老金组织评为“最佳工作场所” & 连续第七年的澳门黄金城赌城

LaSalle被养老金组织评为“最佳工作场所” & 连续第七年的澳门黄金城赌城


LaSalle Investment Management (LaSalle) is pleased to announce it has been named a Best Place to Work in Money Management for 2022 by 养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城(P&I). This marks the seventh consecutive year LaSalle has received this prestigious recognition.

养老金呈递 & 澳门黄金城赌城, 资金管理的全球新闻来源, the 11th annual survey 和 recognition program is dedicated to identifying 和 recognizing the best employers in the money management industry.

LaSalle美洲联席主管克里斯蒂·休伯格说: “We are proud to once again be recognized as one of the best places to work in our industry. 我们以创造关怀文化而自豪, which incorporates a holistic approach to promoting employee wellbeing, 社区联系和多样性, 公平与包容. This honor is a reflection of the contributions of each employee at LaSalle 和 their critical role in sustaining our culture.”

LaSalle美洲联席主管Brad Gries补充道: “Receiving this recognition seven years in a row speaks to a core tenant of our business: our people are our greatest asset. LaSalle is a tremendous place to grow together 和 not only provide superior client service, but foster a culture of inclusion 和 growth opportunities for our people. Thank you to all of our employees for making LaSalle a Best Place to Work in Money Management.”

P&执行编辑朱莉·塔奇说: 正如他们的员工所证明的那样, the companies named to this year’s Best Places to Work list demonstrate a commitment to building 和 maintaining a strong workplace culture. Even as firms grappled with volatile markets 和 stresses from the p和emic, their employees said they feel strong support from their managers, 使他们能把工作做到最好.”

养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城公司与最佳公司集团合作, 一家专门寻找最佳工作场所的研究公司, to conduct a two-part survey process of employers 和 their employees. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, 实践, 哲学, 系统和人口统计. This part of the process was worth approximately 25% of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process was worth approximately 75% of the total evaluation. 综合得分决定了排名靠前的公司.

查看2022年养老金的完整列表 & 澳门黄金城赌城 Best Places to Work in Money Management winners 和 write-ups, go to  

关于养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城

养老金 & 克雷恩通讯公司旗下的澳门黄金城赌城公司.是拥有50年历史的全球资金管理新闻来源. P&I is written for executives at defined benefit 和 defined contribution retirement plans, 捐赠基金, 基金会, 以及主权财富基金, as well as those at investment management 和 other investment-related firms. 养老金 & 澳门黄金城赌城 provides timely 和 incisive coverage of events affecting the money management 和 retirement businesses. 访问我们

关于仲量联行澳门黄金城赌城管理b|今日澳门黄金城赌城. 为明天.

LaSalle Investment Management is one of the world’s leading real estate investment managers. 在全球范围内, LaSalle manages approximately $79 billion of assets in private 和 public real estate property 和 debt investments as of Q3 2022. LaSalle’s diverse client base includes public 和 private pension funds, 保险公司, 政府, 公司, 来自世界各地的捐赠基金和个人. LaSalle sponsors a complete range of investment vehicles including separate accounts, 开放式和封闭式基金, 公共证券和实体级澳门黄金城赌城. 欲澳门黄金城赌城信息,请访问, LinkedIn.


The information discussed above is based on the market analysis 和 expectations of LaSalle 和 should not be relied upon by the reader as research or investment advice regarding LaSalle funds or any issuer or security in particular. The information presented herein is for illustrative 和 educational purposes 和 is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities or to adopt any investment strategy in any jurisdiction where prohibited by law or where contrary to local law or regulation. 任何此类澳门黄金城赌城要约, 如果做了, will only be made to certain qualified investors by means of a private placement memor和um or applicable offering document 和 in accordance with applicable laws 和 regulations. 过去的表现不代表未来的结果, nor should any statements herein be construed as a prediction or guarantee of future results.


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a headshot of incoming LaSalle Investment Management CFO Louis Bowers
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